The Honor of Piccolo


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Piccolo Bio
Piccolo Bio

Hello here is a little desription on our favorite green man.
Piccolo wasn't always a good guy he used to be Goku's arch ravial. He always hated Goku until the Sayians arrived on Earth and it spoiled his plans to rule it. A Sayian named Radditz arrived and challenged Goku to kill 100 peolpe,but instead said no and Goku's son was kidnapped. This was the hardest choice for Piccolo to make he had to team up with Goku to stop Radditz. After defeating Radditz two more will come to Earth within a year. Goku died,but wasn't pleased with the reaction. So Piccolo took Goku's son Gohan to train. During the time with Gohan Piccolo's start to change instead start to have feelings for the boy. When Nappa and Vegeta arrived Piccolo and the others had to fight until Goku arrived back on Earth. At this point when everyone else was finished and there was only Piccolo,Gohan, and Krillian. Gohan told Piccolo to leave and take on Nappa alone thats when Nappa was ready to strike theN Piccolo did the unthinkable. He sacrifices his on life for his love of Gohan. It was the most honored thing Piccolo has ever done. More info to come.

Personality:: Piccolo isn't a very social person only with Gohan. Mostly stays to himself not a stick in the crowd. Very quiet and always talk when its something important.
Not affectionant never attracted to the opposite sex not what I have seen yet. Always annoeyed by stupid peolpe aka:Goku. Very lonely person seems to feel not to join the group doing happy times.

Family: All the Nameks father Damioh and maybe Kami.
Sex: asexual(well we all know he is male.)
Eye Color: Black
Skin: Green dahhhh!!!!
Married: ?
Friends: Gohan,Goku,Krillian, etc....
Most likely to hate: Vegeta
Best Friend: Gohan and maybe Goku

1. Do not wristle or else.
3. Hates mushy stuff.
4. Gets annoyed by stupid peolpe aka: Goku